- Terminology and Ontology for Cultural Heritage: Application to Chinese Ceramic Vessels, PhD University of Grenoble, Wei Tong, 4 December 2020
- Terminologie et Ontologie pour l’Héritage Culturel : Le projet Tao Ci (slides in English), TOTh Conference, 26-27 November 2020
- Terminology and Ontology Harmonization: the ISO point of view, Virtual International Seminar on Ontology Definitions in International Standards and the Issues for Harmonization, Renmin University, 19 November 2020
- An Ontology of Chinese Ceramic Vases, KEOD Conference, 2-4 November 2020
- 5-day Course on Terminology & Ontology in the Digital Age, Renmin University, 26-30 October 2020
- Terminology or Ontology? A matter of concept, IEC SyCSmart Cities Virtual workshop, 30 September 2020
- KETRC 2020 Training Session
- Artificial Intelligence for Digital Humanities 25 October 2019, KETRC Conference, Liaocheng University
- Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage Course 19-30 August 2019, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Summer School.
- Ontology for Smart City Info-Tech 2019, 11th May 2019, Nanjing.
- Theory, Principles and Methods of Terminology Building (ISO 1087 & 704 Standards) 15th April 2019, University of Renmin, Beijing.
- Term Formation and Neologism in Terminology: Application to the Chinese language. PhD Defense, Zhenling Zhang, University of Grenoble Alpes, France, 20th December 2018
- Le Tournant Ontologique de la Terminologie. PhD Defense, Julien Roche, University of Grenoble Alpes, France, 20th December 2018
- KETRC Talk to Freshmen in Computer Science of Liaocheng 8th November 2018. Jinan, Shandong.
- Shandong Computer Science Center Workshop 1st November 2018. Jinan, Shandong.
- 2018 Qilu Friendship Award. 30th October 2018. Weihai, Shandong.
- « Ontology for Terminology: How to bring terminology to industrial applications in the digital world ». International Conference on Standardization of Language Resources and Translation and Interpreting Services, 16-17 June 2018, Hangzhou.
- ISO/TC37 Language and terminology: Annual Meetings, 10-15 June 2018, Hangzhou.
- « A Concept Language for Terminology ». TOTh Conference, 7-8 June 2018, Chambéry (France)
- « Transparency of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion Terms » TOTh Conference, 7-8 June 2018, Chambéry (France)
- « Term formation method for Chinese neoterm based on concept model and Chinese attribute-head construction » TOTh Conference, 7-8 June 2018, Chambéry (France)
- « Terminology: Issues and Challenges for the Digital World » KETRC Conference, 24 April 2018, Liaocheng
- « Computing for the Humanities » KETRC Conference, 17 April 2018, Liaocheng
- « From classicism to classic: a digest of ancient Greek art through its masterpieces » KETRC Conference, 11 April 2018, Liaocheng
- KETRC Kick off meeting, 6 November 2017, Liaocheng
- KETRC Launching, 5 November 2017, Liaocheng